Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Camping in Days Gone By

What is it that you think of when you remember camping as a child?
Were you scared of the dark and the sounds that you could hear, so different from those your familiar home made?
Do you remember being soaked to the skin, having no dignity as you stomp around in jeans, wellies and bright yellow plastic ponchos?
Or was camping one of the really good things you remember about your childhood, waking up to the sound of Green Woodpeckers in nearby trees and the smell of the traditional camp site breakfast wafting through the air?
As a child I went camping very regularly and it is one of the most incredible memories of my youth. I was one of a big family at the time as my parents fostered 5 other children and also had myself and two of my sisters.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Review of the Week - Whiz Freedom

Now this little gadget is something every girl who intends to go camping, hiking or fishing (or indeed any outdoor pursuits)should keep in their backpack. I will absolutely be investing in a couple for myself and Serph for when we go on our camping trips and I am gobsmacked that I have not discovered them sooner.
Finally a level of equality between guys and girls when it comes to answering the call of nature in the middle of nature.
For as long as I can tell, ladies have been bemoaning the lack of toilet facilities, deep in the wilds of nature, particularly when their masculine other halves have been relieving themselves up trees, down rabbit holes (alas poor bunny), or just generally any where the urge takes them.
To add insult to injury they have also been laughing themselves to tears at our attempts to balance whilst squatting, holding our clothes out of the way, holding the toilet roll and trying to avoid anyone seeing us in our state of great indignity.


Hi and welcome to Crystal's Camping Guide.

I am Crystal and I will be your guide through many different aspects of camping throughout the year.

I am talking here about camping in tents, not caravans or motor homes, you lucky people with them probably already have all the equipment you need and will know all there is to know about that kind of camping (actually truth to tell I am clueless about that kind of camping myself!).