Thursday, 7 February 2013

It's Beginning to Look a lot like Spring!

In the UK here we have a whole mixture of weather conditions with some parts still swamped with snow and others are having the delight of seeing crocuses, daffodils and snowdrops peeping up through the hard ground. Where I live it is still cold but often clear and bright and things are taking a very optimistic turn for the better. Of course in terms of camping it is still far to cold to be able to enjoy it in this country if you are in a tent, but caravaners could have a reasonable time if they stuck to the warmer southern areas.

So how was your Christmas? Are you already sick of the amount of Easter eggs there are in the shops. Were you among the people who booked their summer sun holidays on Boxing day eager to get planning and have something to look forward to? We are hoping to camp in Sweden to visit friends as our main holiday this year, but also have several trips to the Netherlands planned and at least one week camping somewhere in the UK. We are not sure if it will be London again for the whole week, or if we will take the kids there for a long weekend and go up to Norfolk for the week together when the nippers are away doing other things.

We did find a wonderful campsite near London in a place called Bexley Heath last year and we know that we want to go there again. Keep an eye on this blog for a review and for information about the Camping and Caravanning Club that we became members of. It was this membership that gave us access to this wonderful site, so we will definitely be renewing the membership on a yearly basis.

As for now, in this cold and chilly time of the year it is a really good time to go over all your kit and check that it is all okay, again I will do a checklist about that in a future post, this is more in the nature of a welcome to 2013's camping news.

I have some exciting things planned for this site this year, the introduction of a newsletter being one, lots more product reviews, campsite reviews and competitions and things so do sign up to the email list, or the feed for more information.

Readers of Lenses at Squidoo may have already seen their camp host posting a couple of lenses there including one about camping and I will be putting up a link page for all my lenses for if you are interested in a minute. This will be updated every time I have a new lens, it is another exciting project that I am enjoying. Since last I spoke I have published 2 e-books on Amazon and have another that is nearly finished. I just want to get a good collection of well written active lenses on Squidoo before finishing that book and working on other in the series and a new series that is in the pipeline.

So without further ado I will wish you all a very peaceful and prosperous New Year and look forward to chatting to you all as the year progresses!

Bright Blessings, Nici xxx